Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Comprehension: Tutorial Questions - Class (5/11/12)

1. Identify and explain with relevant examples, the four main roles of the internet.

i) Economic role:
In a simple word, 'monetizing'. The economic role serves as a means of monetizing the internet through the usage of advertising. Every single action you take whilst surfing the net generates income for someone else, all at the click of a mouse. From pay per click advertising (when clicking a highlighted hyperlink), cost per impression advertising (those annoying yet sometimes used pop-ups) and the most ubiquitous method of all, banner advertising that you see sprawled practically in every single site and page.

ii) Information role:
With the invention of the World Wide Web (often mistaken as the Internet itself), information became the forte of the net. Search engines are made indispensable and online sharing is a global phenomenon. Traffic sources on the internet outnumber real world trade 10,000 to 1 in terms of data and information transfers. Regardless be it legitimate, pirated, academic or just for knowledge purposes, the Internet is the number one source people turn to, as searched by Google itself.

iii) Entertainment role:
This role is rather self explanatory. Since the availability for users to post pictures and videos on the net, entertainment became one of the primary functions of the internet. Truly, communicational theories relating to the usage of the net as a diversion or withdrawal from boredom, sites such as YouTube, Veoh, Mefeedia, Vimeo and the list goes on have mushroomed and since taken over the entertainment industry.

iv) Social role: 
Society itself has practically been uploaded, installed and evolved on the net itself. Made possible by social networking sites, individuals are able to search out and integrate themselves with others of mutual interests via a click of a button. A sense of belonging is instilled and many nowadays seek acceptance in the virtual world. More often than not, this effect carries over into the real world, further giving validity to the impact the internet plays on society. It has come to a point, whether the line of the internet shapes society itself or society that shapes the internet has become blurred.

2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of advertising on the internet.
(Obtained from tutorial lecture slides) Most concise explanation.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Advertising: Ad. Pitching - Class (5/11/12)

In conjunction with previous week's tutorial class "Advertising: Client Brief - Class (29/10/12)", an advertising idea and ad was asked of us to be drafted out. 

However before even considering production, this idea was then brought to our client for an 'Advertising-pitch' in order to sell our concept. If acceptance, producing it would then be viable.

The draft of
our idea was in the form of a script, giving the fundamentals to our concept involving video and audio. The resulted script is as shown below:

First-half (15 seconds):

Second-half (15 seconds):

      Overall, this is but a short, yet complete script for a 30-second TV ad. and shows a progression for transitioning into the next phase of an advertising campaign.