Tuesday 11 September 2012

3. Pharmaceuticals: JOHNSON's® - Baby Commercial

1. Which of the (9) types of advertising does the ad belong to?
    Was a bit of a head scratcher, however;
    Interactive Advertising. 

2. The four (4) roles of advertising. Which are relevant for this ad?
    i) Marketing:
       - It markets the brand as a whole and what the company is to the audience/consumer(s)

    ii) Societal:
       - It defines how parenting, mother's in context, all have similar aspirations in bringing up a child and analogous decision making patterns.

    iii) Communication:
       - The ad delivers a message of maternal understanding in a way.

3. What does the ad. want the audience to do or not do?
    It wants the audience to listen, as this ad is mainly about delivering a message, the brand and product insertion is secondary. 

4. Who is the target audience?
    Mother's in specific, however it is relatable to any parent figure or guardian whom have or are in the charge for caring of a baby, infant or child.

5. What are the target audience's needs, concerns and interest?
    As the audience takes on the role of physical dependance by the child in care, the needs would be a company that as a whole in itself, is dependable and reliable in terms of its service, products, actions and organization as a whole. Children's well being are a number one concern in this context, hence interests takes a form from the audience's side. The organization itself has to have its own interests in line with that of the consumers in order to keep them complacent.

6. What is the message?
    That you care and prioritize your children, we know that. That you want the best, buy the best and treat them with the best. They should know that too.

7. Discuss the message being conveyed.
    Subtle messaging is going on. In this ad, the message is being manipulated in the first person point of view, metaphorically, the infants' perspective. To make a bridge however of linking the message to the brand and products itself is the notion that babies will know that their mother's are giving them the best, by actually buying the best from the brand, in this case... Johnson's.

8. Who does the message appeal to?
    Mother, parents or caretakers who want the best quality of upbringing for their children, in the terms of products or services offered by a perceptive company.

9. What is the desired communication outcome?
    That the audience understands how Johnson's care as much for giving the best to their consumers as they(the audience) care about giving the best to their children. Ultimately, underlying the goal to be persuaded to by their products.

10. What other communication channel is most effective?
      Social media would be rather effective. If breached and the product is satisfactory, reviews and recommendations move as viral and fast on the web and the message intended will be delivered faster and to a broader scope of audiences.

11. Identify the ad and specific product being advertised and describe the ad.
      The ad is a paternal appeal ad, and the product being advertised is primarily the message that Johnson's products are top notch and that the company cares for its consumers as they do for their' consumer's children too.

12. What does the ad show, people, products, scenery, etc?
      It shows mother's and their newborns. The ad shows various daily routines or situations mothers go through in the upbringing of their children and expected struggles and rewards that ensue.

13. What is not discussed about the product?
      Everything actually, products are barely even existent in the ad. However, the message delivered underlines the presence of Johnson's products. The audience themselves can make the connection between parental upbringing and Johnson's products.

14. What image is portrayed?
      Compassion and understanding.

15. Is it true to life or puffery?
      In such an industry, no compromise can be made for exaggeration. These are products that deal with application and will be heavily reviewed as it is direct-usage products. Hence, a single fault in delivering what the product promises will result in loss of customer loyalty and ultimately, result in a loss in the market.

16. Is the ad a slice-of-life, fear, humor, sex or other type of ad?
      Slice-of-life. The entire ad is basically about caring for new life.

17. Who is in the ad, if a star, what image does he or she 
      i) Mothers:
         - Portraying parental factors and the icon for the affectionate element.

     ii) Newborns:
        - The object of care and dedication. In economic terms, big investment that every investor(Parents/guardians) want to be turned out well,

18. What is the mood of the ad, colors used, music played?
      Very loving, warm and bright. Music is low-keyed, quiet and comforting. Colours used compliment these elements, being non-flashy and rather mild and complacent.

19. Is the ad memorable?
      Yes, as it plays with our own memories or perhaps future concepts of parental upbringing. It is a process that almost everyone goes through regardless of future mothers or fathers. However, this ad as stated in previous a question, concentrated primarily to mothers.

20. Would you buy the product being advertised, why or why not?
      Yes, if I have a kid in the future. No, if I do not have a kid in the future. No kid, what's the point?

21. Be sure to include your opinion (have a specific point of view, love it or hate it.)
      A very heart warming ad. No other words to describe besides that, though the ad is rather one sided to the more fortunate or upper-middle class households. Overall however, a good ad and well executed.

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