Saturday 8 September 2012

9. Hotels, Casinos & Resorts: The Venetian - Las Vegas

1. Which of the (9) types of advertising does the ad belong to?
    Directory Advertising

2. The four (4) roles of advertising. Which are relevant for this ad?
    i) Societal:
       - It shows the current high-end luxury 'setting' that people    prefer when visiting such resorts. It reflects how society views lavish living and life-style.

    ii) Communication:
        - The ad showcases the many features and facilities of the resort; (i.e: Shop Districts, Fine-Dining, Casinos, Spas, etc)

3. What does the ad. want the audience to do or not do?
    As it is a 'Directory' ad, main intention would be for it's audience to seek more information (i.e; secondary research) regarding the resort. Because it is an external party, not the 'The Venetian' agency itself, it would like people to refer to their own website/agency. In this case, 'Voyage'.

4. Who is the target audience?
    Potential visitors/tourists. People looking for a vacation and perhaps willing to dig deep into their pockets as the showcased feature is a luxury resort.

5. What are the target audience's needs, concerns and interest?
    As aforementioned, 'The Venetian' is a luxury, 5-Star rated Hotel & Resort. Hence, it's potential customers/visitors have expectations of equal status. Basic necessities are beyond expected, visitors anticipate lavishness in everything from paper towels to customer service to fine-dining. Of course, with such expenses, their main concern would be the value they get for the amount of money they pay. Nevertheless, if their interests of being treated as kings, princesses and royalty for their duration of their stay is met, their satisfaction would be guaranteed.

6. What is the message?
    The ad conveys a message of opulence, hinting to viewers if they'd like to take a luxury vacation. If so, 'The Venetian' is just the place.

7. Discuss the message being conveyed.
    The message is conveyed through screen/vid-shots of the facilities and services offered by the resort. Showcasing their main attractions, it serves to entice potential visitors at the promise of luxury being tendered.

8. Who does the message appeal to?
    Spendthrift customers or luxury hunters. People who appeal to lavish living/lifestyles and have deep pockets.

9. What is the desired communication outcome?
    For people to actually be moved to book, visit or spend at 'The Venetian' is actually secondary. Being a directory medium, the main desired outcome for this ad would be for people to visit or gather more information from Voyage(the author of this ad) and it's networks.

10. What other communication channel is most effective?
      Billboards and banners would be relatively productive. In scenarios of adults returning home from work or caught in traffic jams, would be a good way to entice thoughts of vacations and respites.

11. Identify the ad and specific product being advertised and describe the ad.
     It is an overview advertisement where only glimpses of the 'product' being advertised(the facilities & services) are shown. In this way, it shows enough just to get it's audience interested but not enough to induce complacency (i.e; "That's it? I thought there was more...").

12. What does the ad show, people, products, scenery, etc?
      All of the above, in addition to architecture and facilities.

13. What is not discussed about the product?
      Whether truly satisfactory/ quality of experience is confirmed. The ad only showcases visuals, easily acted or thrown a facade.

14. What image is portrayed?
      Luxury, enough said.

15. Is it true to life or puffery?
      In terms of physical appearances, it is true to life and scale. Though perhaps camera angle and editing might be able to stretch it, though doubtful that risk has been taken. However, as for the actual experience(the service), that can only be confirmed with secondary research(testimonies, reviews, etc) or actually trying first hand.

16. Is the ad a slice-of-life, fear, humor, sex or other type of ad?
     Slice-of-life, definitely. Slice-of-the-luxurious-kind-of-life.

17. Who is in the ad, if a star, what image does he or she 
      i) Visitors: 
          - Portraying the 'experience' you could have. 
      ii) Staff:
          - Portraying the friendly and efficient 'services' that is seemingly promised.

18. What is the mood of the ad, colors used, music played?
      Colours used are lavish to say the least, all the luxurious trimming of gold, silver, velvet, maroon and so on. Mood is kept rather passive, serene and low-keyed however to ensure peace and a relaxing-get-away is still present. The music compliments this aspect, nothing fancy and just a little 'up-beat'.

19. Is the ad memorable?
      In terms of the promises portrayed, such as luxury, excitement and so on, yes. However, details of its facilities and services can be somewhat lost. Hence, needing for the ad to be re-viewed or to have secondary research.

20. Would you buy the product being advertised, why or why not?
      Most probably not. Personal preferences, luxury does not appeal to everyone and not all people can accommodate luxury, vice-versa.

21. Be sure to include your opinion (have a specific point of view, love it or hate it.)
      In terms of setting, filmography and advertising structure, it serves its purpose. Though cliched, it is a good ad.

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