Sunday 9 September 2012

8. Food & Beverages: Nestle - Celebrating 100 Years.


1. Which of the (9) types of advertising does the ad belong to?
    Institutional Advertising

2. The four (4) roles of advertising. Which are relevant for this ad?
    i) Marketing:
       - The ad is trying to market it's company in entirety, portraying 100 years of being in business.

    ii) Societal:
        - In support to it's marketing role, the ad does it through localization, where the country Malaysia is taken into context and the journey the corporation went through together with the development of the country through the people, citizens and society.

    iii) Communication:
         - Builds upon the idea that the company's brands are part of the Malaysian culture. The ad communes the message of the essentially of Nestle products, and after a long haul, will continue to do so.

3. What does the ad. want the audience to do or not do?
    It simply wants to remind the audience of how close the brands has been to them. That like an old friend, will always remain loyal. Hence, the desired end result for this ad, would be to convince its consumers to remain loyal in return too.

4. Who is the target audience?
    Since the ad is localized, portraying the brand's journey nationwide for the past century, the target audience would be the nation and it's citizens, naturally.

5. What are the target audience's needs, concerns and interest?
    The audiences needs are practically unchanged in terms of expectations of the products that Nestle has been providing throughout the years. Their concern however, is whether Nestle can continue to meet those expectations and to maintain its stature. The brand has to accomplish this if it wishes to keep the interests of its consumers.

6. What is the message?
    That Nestle is your best friend, your childhood memories, the mother that takes care of you and no matter how old you grow, will remain there for you as it always has. A familiar face.

7. Discuss the message being conveyed.
    A majority of consumers disapprove change, especially if the product of interest has served its purpose well and effectively throughout a long period of time. Any sudden changes to such success would deal suspicion. Hence, Nestle banks upon the idea that no matter how long and what happens, it will remain the same and a part of the Malaysian society.

8. Who does the message appeal to?
    It appeals to people who are accustomed to the familiar. Practically every Malaysian has consumed a product made by Nestle and hence, can identify to the idea of nostalgia and in the comfort that the company is still doing well.

9. What is the desired communication outcome?
    That loyal consumers remain loyal and be reminded that Nestle is a very long standing company and brand.

10. What other communication channel is most effective?
      Direct advertising, such as can be seen at one point in the ad itself. Free-samples and such, or holding events would do well to promote the brand further.

11. Identify the ad and specific product being advertised and describe the ad.
      It is a reminder ad, that the brands' products has always been there, has been there for a very long time and will always remain there ready for consumption if the consumer so wishes. The ad shows how its products has been used in every situation imaginable from leisure to business and most probably still are today.

12. What does the ad show, people, products, scenery, etc?
      All of the above, with familiar locations, situations and scenarios throughout with usage of the brands' products.

13. What is not discussed about the product?
      Some people may be in the grey regarding this or just remain ignorant because of Nestle's familiarity. But the brand actually has gone through several changes throughout the years. Mainly regarding localizing tastes and also modifications to ingredients and substances used in said products. The ad also did not discuss health matters to its public, that consumption of its products without moderation may lead to diabetes, high cholesterol and other health predicaments as it most certainly has.

14. What image is portrayed?
      To long standing consumers, a flash-back to the past and a recollection of memories regarding the brands' products. To the younger generation, a sort of 'picture-album' of how the brand was in the past and how similar it is today, for which they are familiar with currently.

15. Is it true to life or puffery?
      True to life

16. Is the ad a slice-of-life, fear, humor, sex or other type of ad?
      A nostalgia and reminiscent type of ad that preys of familiarity.

17. Who is in the ad, if a star, what image does he or she 
      Malaysian's of various races, cultures and backgrounds. However, they portray how similar in experiences they(we) share in terms of familiarity with Nestle products. Or perhaps, I shall just write, "All Malaysians and our experiences with Nestle products".

18. What is the mood of the ad, colors used, music played?
      Vintage, is my best description. Classic and old-school. The colours are transitioned between faded flash-backs and vivid present situations. The music is brilliantly utilized, a major but subtle contribution to the nostalgic feeling the ad tries to instill. Can you guess? "Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star."

19. Is the ad memorable?
      Most definitely, it actually manipulates our own memories and visuals in addition to the ones shown on screen. We actually put ourselves into the picture and how relatable the scenes are to us.

20. Would you buy the product being advertised, why or why not?
      This question is actually rendered null, as I sip this cup of Milo while writing this sentence. Why? Because I grew up with it.

21. Be sure to include your opinion (have a specific point of view, love it or hate it.)
      Bloody brilliant. Being a Malaysian, effective and moving. However, the 'concept' will keep its effectiveness regardless of what country is targeted at, because it plays on culture. Use the same skeletal-frame on any other country with manipulation to the traditions of that nation, you will have the same success.

Top of my favourite ads list.

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