1. Identify and explain with relevant examples, the four main roles of the internet.
i) Economic role:
In a simple word, 'monetizing'. The economic role serves as a means of monetizing the internet through the usage of advertising. Every single action you take whilst surfing the net generates income for someone else, all at the click of a mouse. From pay per click advertising (when clicking a highlighted hyperlink), cost per impression advertising (those annoying yet sometimes used pop-ups) and the most ubiquitous method of all, banner advertising that you see sprawled practically in every single site and page.
ii) Information role:
With the invention of the World Wide Web (often mistaken as the Internet itself), information became the forte of the net. Search engines are made indispensable and online sharing is a global phenomenon. Traffic sources on the internet outnumber real world trade 10,000 to 1 in terms of data and information transfers. Regardless be it legitimate, pirated, academic or just for knowledge purposes, the Internet is the number one source people turn to, as searched by Google itself.
iii) Entertainment role:
This role is rather self explanatory. Since the availability for users to post pictures and videos on the net, entertainment became one of the primary functions of the internet. Truly, communicational theories relating to the usage of the net as a diversion or withdrawal from boredom, sites such as YouTube, Veoh, Mefeedia, Vimeo and the list goes on have mushroomed and since taken over the entertainment industry.
iv) Social role:
Society itself has practically been uploaded, installed and evolved on the net itself. Made possible by social networking sites, individuals are able to search out and integrate themselves with others of mutual interests via a click of a button. A sense of belonging is instilled and many nowadays seek acceptance in the virtual world. More often than not, this effect carries over into the real world, further giving validity to the impact the internet plays on society. It has come to a point, whether the line of the internet shapes society itself or society that shapes the internet has become blurred.
2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of advertising on the internet.
(Obtained from tutorial lecture slides) Most concise explanation.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Monday, 5 November 2012
Advertising: Ad. Pitching - Class (5/11/12)
In conjunction with previous week's tutorial class "Advertising: Client Brief - Class (29/10/12)", an advertising idea and ad was asked of us to be drafted out.
However before even considering production, this idea was then brought to our client for an 'Advertising-pitch' in order to sell our concept. If acceptance, producing it would then be viable.
The draft of our idea was in the form of a script, giving the fundamentals to our concept involving video and audio. The resulted script is as shown below:
First-half (15 seconds):
Second-half (15 seconds):
Overall, this is but a short, yet complete script for a 30-second TV ad. and shows a progression for transitioning into the next phase of an advertising campaign.
Monday, 29 October 2012
Advertising: Client Brief - Class (29/10/12)
In any advertising campaign, idea briefs are a key component in persuading and gaining the feedback of advertising agency clients on whether ideas are valid, viable and/or approved.
It is in this stage that both the advertising department/agency and the client can come to a standpoint on the direction a particular advertising campaign is headed and whether it is on the right track.
For this case study, a client-brief is given to the Softdrinks & Beverages tycoon, Coca-Cola Company.
The brief is done for the client whom gave an inquiry to our advertising agency in regards to 10 questions in relation to our advertising efforts
The brief, in summary is as shown:
For further elaboration and visual purposes, an actual presentation slide-work is presented to give an insight on how an idea-pitching brief might look like:
Client: The Coca-Cola Company
Agency: Back-to-Basics Inc.
Product: Vanilla Coke
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Advertising & The Range of Effects - Class (8/10/12)
Advertising is a form of marketing communication. Primarily utilized to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) with the ultimate goal of driving consumer behavior.
Advertising can be, and is; used by anyone. From a primary schooler selling cookies, to multinational-conglomerates driving international businesses.
No matter the user however, the effects derived or resulted from advertising can be cataloged into six primary aspects.
And in this case-study, an example of putting such advertising efforts into the framework is a multinational-corporation belonging to the automotive industry, Honda Motor Company, Ltd.
Once put into the framework, the tabulation is shown as follows;
With all of the key components inserted, the effects ensued (both Internal & External to the company) are as follows;
Monday, 15 October 2012
Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior - Class (1/10/12)
Consumerism is as diverse as it can be centered. In cross-culture franchises, consumer behavior is varied and the effects are seen when customers are faced with choices.
This case study features a comparison between two franchises in the coffee-beverage services, taking localization and acculturation into context.
Local Context:
Starbucks Corporation (Localized/Malaysia)
General/Neutral Context:
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (International)
These two companies can then be examined, analyzed and contrasted, through a framework that describes how consumer behavior is determined.
Immediately, one can identify three key aspects which are Attributes(who), Processes(how) and most obvious, Income, all that ultimately lead to an outcome which is the 'Consumer behavior domains'.
Income remains fairly fixed in terms of diversity in influencing choices. Either you have the money, or you don't.
On the other hand, Attributes and Processes are interlinked and susceptible to modifications depending on acculturation (demographics, socio-graphics and such).
When put into the equation/framework, the resulted analysis is as such:
Missing from this equation, or rather not inserted on reason, are the mentioning of the products and services offered by the respective brands. The menu or merchandise of both retailers are pretty much omnipresent, what is tabulated is the resulted processes or outcomes from their wares.
As shown and further explained below:
Both Starbucks and Coffee Bean have to each their own, an array of products and services. Consumer behavior domains are the end result of direct marketing and selling of those said products and services, to create the ultimate desired outcome, which is Brand Loyalty.
The ** is an indication in the analysis which poses a threat to that said loyalty. If that factor is present enough, the entire process of this framework can be re-initiated and a new outcome/ set of consumer domains, created.
Nevertheless, this is but a simple summary in analyzing cross-cultural consumer behaviorism.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
1. Telecommunications: TM Commercial - Through My Window
Which of the (9) types of advertising does the ad belong to?
Initial conclusion; Brand Advertising. However, after deeper digging:-
'Institutional Advertising.'
'Institutional Advertising.'
The four (4) roles of advertising. Which are relevant for this ad?
i) Marketing:
- This ad is actually part of a marketing campaign to put the company in question (In this case, TMnet) into the spotlight. Hence, a corporate advertisement.
ii) Societal:
- It reinforces the perception on how society interacts and connects to each other nowadays, reinforcing the marketing role of this corporate campaign.
iii) Communication:
- Evidently, being a telecommunication's service provider, you necessitate to comprise elements of communication in whatever undertaking executed. In this case, conveying the message and image of the company and it's priority in certain corporate values it wishes to portray.
- This ad is actually part of a marketing campaign to put the company in question (In this case, TMnet) into the spotlight. Hence, a corporate advertisement.
ii) Societal:
- It reinforces the perception on how society interacts and connects to each other nowadays, reinforcing the marketing role of this corporate campaign.
iii) Communication:
- Evidently, being a telecommunication's service provider, you necessitate to comprise elements of communication in whatever undertaking executed. In this case, conveying the message and image of the company and it's priority in certain corporate values it wishes to portray.
3. What does the ad. want the
audience to do or not do?
It wants the audience to reaffirm their stand in what communication is all about nowadays. How we connect as individuals, societies, organizations or just mass communication as a whole. The underlying message would be to trust the company (TM) as they know all about communication and what works best and how to give you the most out of it and their services. Hence, it wants the audience to understand and recognize their company and it's values/principles.
4. Who is the target audience?
It can range to anyone, from subscribed customers to partnering corporations. As it is institutional, the targeted audience would be the broadest, in the sense that the ad aims to show the masses its core values and main principles as a whole organization and does not need to segment or aim at specific demo or socio-graphics.
5. What are the target
audience's needs, concerns and interest?
The audience's needs are simple, to be able to communicate, or more specifically, telecommunication services providing this basic necessity. Their concerns are how effective or beneficial those services are. Will it be stable? Is it cost effective? etcetera.
Hence, they would be interested in any service provider that can meet those demands and fulfill a value-worthy service.
Hence, they would be interested in any service provider that can meet those demands and fulfill a value-worthy service.
What is the message?
In the perspective of the company;
"We can connect people, ensure good communication and collaborate and work well with people. Through US, we can make anything possible."
"We can connect people, ensure good communication and collaborate and work well with people. Through US, we can make anything possible."
Discuss the message being conveyed.
It answers all the concerns of the audiences regarding their needs and expectations towards the perception of a good telecom' service. It does this by first establishing those said attributes to the image of the company. The attributes are then scaled down to the products, this is a secondary effect.
Who does the message appeal to?
A primary appeal would be to potential customers or investors. Subsequently, a secondary appeal would be to current or long-standing subscribers or partners.
What is the desired communication outcome?
In regards to the primary appeal, the image being tried to perceived are in the hopes of gaining new capital and thus enabling the company to expand. The secondary appeal on the other hand, is to maintain current faith and support in their services and their company.
10. What other communication channel is most
Billboards and banners would be rather effectual. It is highly visible and ensured to grab attention. Running parallel is a network of constant traveling, people trying to get to places, to commune. An advertisement showcasing services or potential access in making that network and process easier/faster, is certain to facilitate a larger network of audiences and potential shareholders.
11. Identify the ad and specific product being
advertised and describe the ad.
The ad is a corporate ad. The product in this case, primarily showcases the company image and values it upholds. However, being a telecommunication's institution, those value directly attribute to their services. Thus, this ad is giving an indirect assertion to the overall company image and it's products(services)
12. What does the ad show, people, products, scenery,
It shows office workers, regular samaritans like you and I. It also showcases a hectic setting, of cars and people milling about try to get through the day. The ad also utilizes CG effects with a sense of humor, displaying paper cartoon cutouts.
13. What is not discussed about the product?
The product in which in this case is the company itself, what is not discussed of course is how they are to uphold or keep the promises of quality and interests of its stakeholders.
14. What image is portrayed?
Resourceful and competent.
15. Is it true to life or
It is quite true, in the sense that communication is essential. However, the term has evolved over the years and what we deem as necessities has also followed suit. Certain services we cannot do without in the modern world. Without it, it is potentially 'cave-man' devolution.
16. Is the ad a slice-of-life,
fear, humor, sex or other type of ad?
It is a mixture of slice-of-life and humor. Cleverly designed in a relatable situation of daily, typical routines. The humor comes in during the CG paper cut-outs showcasing an unexpected turn in the situation.
17. Who is in the ad, if a
star, what image does he or she
i) Employees/Workers:
- The office workers represent everyday routines and necessities. It represents you and I and how essential we need communication to make through the day or to make things work/happen.
ii) Cartoon Cut-outs:
- Humor element aside, these individuals represent a breach in the everyday norm. It is the sender's/company's(TM) way of distinguishing itself. Almost as if saying that; "We literally connect people, and help you to get to the other side." They portray promise and efficiency. Like a shortcut so to speak.
- The office workers represent everyday routines and necessities. It represents you and I and how essential we need communication to make through the day or to make things work/happen.
ii) Cartoon Cut-outs:
- Humor element aside, these individuals represent a breach in the everyday norm. It is the sender's/company's(TM) way of distinguishing itself. Almost as if saying that; "We literally connect people, and help you to get to the other side." They portray promise and efficiency. Like a shortcut so to speak.
18. What is the mood of the
ad, colors used, music played?
The mood is tuned from mundane to excitement. Intentionally so to emphasize on the breach in mundane feeling and to strengthen the intended outcome/message being sent across. Color however in this case is restricted to 'formal-normality' unfortunately to keep it realistic. Music follows the mood suit turning from everyday office sounds to adventurous and eventually, victorious.
19. Is the ad memorable?
Quite so, in part to the humor element and promise of excitement. A rather cliched element used by most telecommunication adverts, however, cleverly manipulated in a different light to suit the purpose of the message wanting to be delivered.
20. Would you buy the product
being advertised, why or why not?
To clarify that the product is the underlying services provided by the company, then 'Yes'.
In fact, it is in usage right now as I type out this answer, for this blog, which is hosted on the world-wide-web, which can only be accessed with an internet connection. You get the picture.
In fact, it is in usage right now as I type out this answer, for this blog, which is hosted on the world-wide-web, which can only be accessed with an internet connection. You get the picture.
21. Be sure to include your
opinion (have a specific point of view, love it or hate it.)
A clever ad and amongst my favourites in terms of creativity and simplicity. It delivers its message across without beating around the bush and uses humor to amplify the meaning. Brilliant. 2. Oil & Gas: 1 Malaysia Advertising - Deepavali
1. Which of the (9) types of advertising does the ad belong to?
Political Advertising.
2. The four (4) roles of advertising. Which are relevant for this ad?
i) Marketing:
- This ad is marketing a political concept spawned from a presidential goal and campaign.
ii) Communication:
- Delivers the political message. However, due to the nature of the message, it is indirect however still perceptual.
iii) Economic:
- This is an underlying role if basing upon the content of the shown ad. However, as with all political agenda's and campaigns, economic factors are always a presence.
iv) Societal:
- Also another inseparable factor. Political efforts near to eventual will definitely impact society and the populace's perceptions and expectancies.
- This ad is marketing a political concept spawned from a presidential goal and campaign.
ii) Communication:
- Delivers the political message. However, due to the nature of the message, it is indirect however still perceptual.
iii) Economic:
- This is an underlying role if basing upon the content of the shown ad. However, as with all political agenda's and campaigns, economic factors are always a presence.
iv) Societal:
- Also another inseparable factor. Political efforts near to eventual will definitely impact society and the populace's perceptions and expectancies.
3. What does the ad. want the
audience to do or not do?
The ad wants the audience to trust it's current government. Simple as that. It does not want the populace to have the perception that it's government has gotten complacent or has strayed from it's public's interests.
4. Who is the target audience?
Though not specified, it does not take a professional to discern that the main if not only intended audience is the citizens under the rule of this specific government. In this case, citizens of Malaysia.
5. What are the target
audience's needs, concerns and interest?
The audience needs a government that has it's own interests aligned with theirs. It is the case with every single governmental function within every nation. Of course the main, if not only concern, is the possibility that the interests are not aligned and the governmental body they've elected has got astray or, corrupted.
What is the message?
The ad tries to send across the message of assurance,
"Do not be worried, we know how to do our job and have done quite well so far throughout the years."
"Do not be worried, we know how to do our job and have done quite well so far throughout the years."
Discuss the message being conveyed.
The message is reassuring the intended audience to remain loyal/trustful to the message's sender (In this case, the government). It communes the claim that the government has done its job thoroughly over the years and will continue to do so at the benefit of the audience.
Who does the message appeal to?
It appeals to doubtful, yet still hopeful citizens, unsure of their elected governmental body's interests or direction.
What is the desired communication outcome?
To generate, instill and possibly maintain trust amongst it's audience(citizens) towards the sender(government)
10. What other communication channel is most
In political campaigns, it is important to please the more established citizens or corporate bodies. Bear in mind that all these will pass and be taken over by a newer generation. Hence, it is important to reach out to these said future tenants. In the current world, the playground for these set of audience is the internet. Hence, besides the evident usage of broadcasting channels, utilization of the internet(New-media) would be better in effectiveness.
11. Identify the ad and specific product being
advertised and describe the ad.
The ad is a festival ad, released at the time of an oncoming festive season in the country, in this case, the festive season was 'Deepavali'. The advertised product is actually a message and the image portray and encoded by the sender(The Malaysian Government.)
12. What does the ad show, people, products, scenery,
The ad shows a timeline history of an elderly/senior citizen that recounts the tale of growing up in the country, how he had developed along with the country itself and the people around him. Naturally, the ad also shows different settings corresponding to different intended time-zones being portrayed. People, products and scenery all adjust accordingly to this gimmick.
13. What is not discussed about the product?
Details or specifics on whether their goals are truly aligned with the people's or whether they have truly been achieved. The ad merely states that the country has changed, sure it has advanced, however almost every country has to advance and has in some way. Whether these advancements are necessary or even practical is a different matter entirely.
14. What image is portrayed?
Loyalty and reliability. That the government has and is still doing their job of fulfilling the nation's interests.
15. Is it true to life or
This is the singular cloud that hangs over every political question. It is the whole reason to start a campaign in the first place. And every time, you have at least two sides... The government that says it is true to life and the opposition that is the complete reverse to the coin. However, the answer is very subjective and frequently falls to personal gauging. Hence, for the sake of answering, a personal one would be to say puffery....
16. Is the ad a slice-of-life,
fear, humor, sex or other type of ad?
Slice-of-life yes, in addition to a festive ad nevertheless although secondary.
17. Who is in the ad, if a
star, what image does he or she
A regular, elderly citizen and the recount/process of him growing up together with the development of the country. The whole story portrays the history of progress the country has gone through and also the change in the society brought about such changes.
18. What is the mood of the
ad, colors used, music played?
The aim is to appeal to the emotional side of the audience. Hence, the mood resulted is one that is heartwarming, especially since it is a festive ad. Colours are mixed with vibrant colours symbolizing the festive season of 'Deepavali' and vintage effects during the reminiscing process. Music is deliberate and festive, complimenting the overall feel.
19. Is the ad memorable?
From a personal point of view, speaking from the mentioned 'Younger-Generation', I'm afraid not so. Although it does appeal to the emotional side, and heartwarming to see family values and unity in there, the overall effectiveness is worn down as there is nothing relatable of worth. Hence, it is easily forgotten.
20. Would you buy the product
being advertised, why or why not?
In context to my answer in Question 15, I am compelled to say 'No'. The reason stands for itself, but if pushed to elaborate, will answer; "Why trust something that is false?" So, I will not buy it.
21. Be sure to include your
opinion (have a specific point of view, love it or hate it.)
This ad is in essence, very meaningful and brilliantly made. Visually, there is nothing wrong to it. However, it is the underlying agenda, the political message... the seed that sprouted this end result, that puts off mine, and most of the audiences feel to it.
Nobody likes a double agenda, especially when it deals with political factors.
Hence, I love this ad. Visually, there are no errors and the expected message of family and unity is very heartwarming. However, I am still compelled to feel some revulsion, to the concept that created this whole ad in the first place.
Contradictory, indeed. So is the political game. So is the world...
This ad is in essence, very meaningful and brilliantly made. Visually, there is nothing wrong to it. However, it is the underlying agenda, the political message... the seed that sprouted this end result, that puts off mine, and most of the audiences feel to it.
Nobody likes a double agenda, especially when it deals with political factors.
Hence, I love this ad. Visually, there are no errors and the expected message of family and unity is very heartwarming. However, I am still compelled to feel some revulsion, to the concept that created this whole ad in the first place.
Contradictory, indeed. So is the political game. So is the world...
3. Pharmaceuticals: JOHNSON's® - Baby Commercial
Which of the (9) types of advertising does the ad belong to?
Was a bit of a head scratcher, however;
Interactive Advertising.
Interactive Advertising.
The four (4) roles of advertising. Which are relevant for this ad?
i) Marketing:
- It markets the brand as a whole and what the company is to the audience/consumer(s)
ii) Societal:
- It defines how parenting, mother's in context, all have similar aspirations in bringing up a child and analogous decision making patterns.
iii) Communication:
- The ad delivers a message of maternal understanding in a way.
ii) Societal:
- It defines how parenting, mother's in context, all have similar aspirations in bringing up a child and analogous decision making patterns.
iii) Communication:
- The ad delivers a message of maternal understanding in a way.
3. What does the ad. want the
audience to do or not do?
It wants the audience to listen, as this ad is mainly about delivering a message, the brand and product insertion is secondary.
4. Who is the target audience?
Mother's in specific, however it is relatable to any parent figure or guardian whom have or are in the charge for caring of a baby, infant or child.
5. What are the target
audience's needs, concerns and interest?
As the audience takes on the role of physical dependance by the child in care, the needs would be a company that as a whole in itself, is dependable and reliable in terms of its service, products, actions and organization as a whole. Children's well being are a number one concern in this context, hence interests takes a form from the audience's side. The organization itself has to have its own interests in line with that of the consumers in order to keep them complacent.
What is the message?
That you care and prioritize your children, we know that. That you want the best, buy the best and treat them with the best. They should know that too.
Discuss the message being conveyed.
Subtle messaging is going on. In this ad, the message is being manipulated in the first person point of view, metaphorically, the infants' perspective. To make a bridge however of linking the message to the brand and products itself is the notion that babies will know that their mother's are giving them the best, by actually buying the best from the brand, in this case... Johnson's.
Who does the message appeal to?
Mother, parents or caretakers who want the best quality of upbringing for their children, in the terms of products or services offered by a perceptive company.
What is the desired communication outcome?
That the audience understands how Johnson's care as much for giving the best to their consumers as they(the audience) care about giving the best to their children. Ultimately, underlying the goal to be persuaded to by their products.
10. What other communication channel is most
Social media would be rather effective. If breached and the product is satisfactory, reviews and recommendations move as viral and fast on the web and the message intended will be delivered faster and to a broader scope of audiences.
11. Identify the ad and specific product being
advertised and describe the ad.
The ad is a paternal appeal ad, and the product being advertised is primarily the message that Johnson's products are top notch and that the company cares for its consumers as they do for their' consumer's children too.
12. What does the ad show, people, products, scenery,
It shows mother's and their newborns. The ad shows various daily routines or situations mothers go through in the upbringing of their children and expected struggles and rewards that ensue.
13. What is not discussed about the product?
Everything actually, products are barely even existent in the ad. However, the message delivered underlines the presence of Johnson's products. The audience themselves can make the connection between parental upbringing and Johnson's products.
14. What image is portrayed?
Compassion and understanding.
15. Is it true to life or
In such an industry, no compromise can be made for exaggeration. These are products that deal with application and will be heavily reviewed as it is direct-usage products. Hence, a single fault in delivering what the product promises will result in loss of customer loyalty and ultimately, result in a loss in the market.
16. Is the ad a slice-of-life,
fear, humor, sex or other type of ad?
Slice-of-life. The entire ad is basically about caring for new life.
17. Who is in the ad, if a
star, what image does he or she
i) Mothers:
- Portraying parental factors and the icon for the affectionate element.
ii) Newborns:
- The object of care and dedication. In economic terms, big investment that every investor(Parents/guardians) want to be turned out well,
- Portraying parental factors and the icon for the affectionate element.
ii) Newborns:
- The object of care and dedication. In economic terms, big investment that every investor(Parents/guardians) want to be turned out well,
18. What is the mood of the
ad, colors used, music played?
Very loving, warm and bright. Music is low-keyed, quiet and comforting. Colours used compliment these elements, being non-flashy and rather mild and complacent.
19. Is the ad memorable?
Yes, as it plays with our own memories or perhaps future concepts of parental upbringing. It is a process that almost everyone goes through regardless of future mothers or fathers. However, this ad as stated in previous a question, concentrated primarily to mothers.
20. Would you buy the product
being advertised, why or why not?
Yes, if I have a kid in the future. No, if I do not have a kid in the future. No kid, what's the point?
21. Be sure to include your
opinion (have a specific point of view, love it or hate it.)
A very heart warming ad. No other words to describe besides that, though the ad is rather one sided to the more fortunate or upper-middle class households. Overall however, a good ad and well executed.
A very heart warming ad. No other words to describe besides that, though the ad is rather one sided to the more fortunate or upper-middle class households. Overall however, a good ad and well executed.
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